Can Ski Goggles Fix your Sleeping Problems?

Can Ski Goggles Fix your Sleeping Problems?

January, 2022

What Do Ski Goggles Have to Do With Sleep Problems? James Swanwick Answers

Do you have trouble sleeping?

I got to meet too many people lately who struggle with sleep problems. Let me tell you I was one of those people, until I identified that little sleep-destroyer and banned it from my life.

I decided I’m going to share with you my tips for identifying your own sleep-destroying habits.

Prepare to laugh at your sleep problems with my simple rules. Here we go…

I had serious sleep problems

I used to have trouble sleeping. It would take me a while to fall asleep. I would toss and turn all night. Some nights, I didn’t get a wink of sleep. Even on those nights when I did manage to get a full eight hours of sleep, I’d still wake up feeling tired and lethargic.

I wanted to sleep in. It was tough having to drag myself out of the bed in the morning.

Because I was so tired, I often felt cranky, aggravated, angry, stressed, anxious, irritable, moody.

Heck, I even felt depressed.

After a while, I actually started to dread going to bed at night. I was literally scared to sleep knowing that a restless night lay ahead of me. Does it sound all too familiar?

A few friends who went through similar struggles told me they sometimes suffered from eye strain, headaches and blurry vision.

The glorious moment finally came when I discovered that thing destroying my sleep for so long. I was shocked. It had been right under my nose the whole time.

Chances are, this very second, you’re being exposed to this dangerous sleep-destroyer too.


The first step to a good night’s sleep is identifying your sleep problems

Once I discovered my sleep problems, I quickly found ways to fix them.

Within days, I started to sleep eight glorious hours every night. I woke up feeling refreshed… I had forgotten how that felt like.

Today I’m happier and more energetic. When I look in the mirror I see a healthy person. I look and I feel good, instead of tired and weathered all the time.

I guess you could say I’m now considered an unofficial “sleep expert”. What are my credentials?

  • I’ve written a book about sleep
  • I produced YouTube videos about sleep
  • I’ve interviewed some of the top sleep experts in the world
  • I’ve even taught Hollywood celebrities and professional athletes about sleep, including Arnold Schwarzenegger, Charlize Theron, Rihanna, the entire Game of Thrones cast, and NFL star Von Miller.

I now get messages from people all around the world thanking me for helping them overcome their sleep issues. I love helping people get back together with their normal sleep patterns.

I’m going to tell you the culprit that’s been destroying your sleep… and the easy way to fix it in just a second. Stay tuned!

But first… if you’re still reading this, then you’ve probably tried at least some of the ways I tried to fix my sleep problems, including:

  • Sleeping pills (nasty side effects)
  • Morning exercise
  • Hot showers before bed
  • Chamomile tea
  • Calming music
  • Reading books
  • Counting sheep in my head
  • Counting back from 100

I started taking my laptop to bed with me, thinking reading news articles would make me sleepy.

Boy, was that a mistake. It made me more even more awake.

I literally tried everything. But nothing proved effective.

Then, I discovered the culprit.

Here it is:

The electronically-produced blue light from the device you’re using to read this post right now is seriously contaminating your eyes.

Not only that, but it contaminates you every time you check your email, watch TV, use social media, play video games - even take photos.

If you’re watching this at nighttime, whilst sitting in artificial light created from energy-efficient lightbulbs, you’re potentially creating a ticking time bomb with your health.

I know it may sound crazy but the world’s top doctors say that too much of this brain-damaging blue light can cause:

  • eye fatigue
  • headaches
  • poor sleep
  • diabetes
  • obesity
  • even cancer

Finally, scientists, doctors and sleep experts are digging deeper into this serious issue that dangers our health:

  • A recent study showed, us - adults - now spend half of their waking hours on digital devices. HALF!

And 90% of us use some type of electronic device at least an hour before bed.


Why is too much light at night seriously bad for you?

Because the blue light from your electronics is secretly preventing your body from creating the sleep-inducing hormone, melatonin.

Melatonin is responsible for how well you sleep.

Melatonin controls:

  • your sleep and wake cycles
  • your body’s internal clock, also known as your circadian rhythm

During daytime, when it’s light outside, our body only produces a small amount of melatonin since our bodies need to be awake and alert. During night-time, when it’s dark outside, our bodies produce larger amounts of melatonin so it can induce our sleep.

We need sleep! Our bodies must repair themselves every day.

But the problem is in today’s modern world, we’re staring at smartphones, TV screens and computers at night. We’re sitting under fluorescent lights in our kitchens and living rooms.

We’re using bedside lamps. We’re staring into other’s car headlights as we drive.

All that blue light at night is hitting our brain and tricking our body into thinking it’s still daytime.

We, therefore, don’t produce enough melatonin, we struggle to fall asleep, we toss and turn at night, we wake up feeling tired and lethargic.

Our devices are literally sleep destroyers.

From weird sky goggles to my cool pair of Swannies

Let’s face it, we’re all addicted to our devices so giving up on our smartphones is highly unlikely.

Bur here’s what you can do, download the f.lux app on your computer.

Tip: The only problem is this app only blocks a small fraction of blue light in your space. It doesn't solve the blue light problem in your kitchen, living room or bedroom.

The best option for blue light blocking is wearing a pair of blue light blocking glasses for a few hours before you go to sleep.

When I first found out about the dangers of blue light, I wanted to test if blue light blockers could fix my sleep problems. I remember pulling out an old pair of ski goggles I had in my cupboard.

I put them on one night and started watching reruns of the AMC TV series “Mad Men” on my computer.

Can you guess what happened next?

Soon after putting the goggles on I became so sleepy. I had to turn “Mad Men” off, take off the goggles and go to sleep.

My sleep improved almost instantly. Why?

The yellow lenses were able to block enough of the blue light in my room to tell my body it was time to sleep. Therefore, my body produced more melatonin which is why I could fall asleep so quickly.

It seriously felt like a miraculous cure.

But, before we get ahead of ourselves here, there were two big problems with my miraculous cure:

  1. I looked ridiculous wearing ski goggles. I felt like I was literally stuck in my apartment since I couldn’t wear them out at night without people thinking I was some kind of weirdo stuck in a permanent Halloween costume. I was a prisoner in my own home.
  2. Even though the yellow lenses from the ski goggles was blocking some of the blue light, it wasn’t blocking most of the blue light.

I noticed a lot of blue light was still penetrating the lenses and hitting my eyes. And that’s when this genius idea suddenly hit me:

What if I could create a lens that blocked almost all of the blue light with a stylish frame so I could wear the glasses out in social settings without looking like a weirdo?

Heck, I’m just vain enough that I actually wanted to look cool wearing them.

From weird sky goggles to my cool pair of Swannies

I spent the next 12 months interviewing doctors, sleep scientists and opticians. I spent all my time relentlessly searching the globe in pursuit of the perfect lens that blocked almost all of the blue light AND the perfect frame style.

I had dozens of prototypes made. Some were effective but looked ugly. Others weren't ugly but weren’t effective either.

My ultimate goal was to create the perfect glasses, able to make you feel confident wearing them out and about without sacrificing quality. Call me an overachiever.

Finally, after painstaking development, failed tests, and numerous steps back to the drawing board, in November 2015, I finally created the ultimate device for blocking blue light: Swanwick Sleep Blue Light Blocking Glasses.

Swannies glasses

People nicknamed them “Swannies”

Swannies block almost 100% of the dangerous blue light that can cause sleep problems, diabetes, obesity, cancer and heart disease.

Instead of a yellow or amber lens which still allows a lot of blue light through, Swannies have an advanced orange lens which blocks almost all of the blue light spectrum.

This little workhorse protects you so you can relax when watching TV or using your cell phone late at night.


Swannies Blue Light Blocking Glasses can help you get you a good night’s sleep and improve your life. They’re basically life savers… or sleep savers. Worked both ways for me!

Tip: Don’t worry, Swannies are non-invasive and they have no side effects for your health.

Go ahead and grab your pair today. Choose the best style for your face shape here.

If they don’t work for you, I’ll give you your money back, how is that for a risk-free offer?

So if you stare at your screens at night-time (who doesn’t?), you may want to read more about the effects of blue light on your sleep and health here.

Also, visit our page that talks about the best blue light blocking glasses.


Block out all the light with our luxurious 100% Silk Sleep EyeMask.



Sam Mehan

Fashion Designer and Entrepreneur

Sam is a fashion designer and entrepreneur living in the ever exciting country of Australia. Sam has a passion for educating others on the dangers of blue light as she herself knows the struggle with eye fatigue from long days of graphic design, followed by relaxing nights of gaming.

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