Join The FREE Online Healing Chronic Stress and Disease Summit: Tap Into The Wisdom Of Your Own Body And Mind

Join The FREE Online Healing Chronic Stress and Disease Summit: Tap Into The Wisdom Of Your Own Body And Mind

On a global scale, millions of people lack the vibrancy they once had, and feel more desperate, lonely, and spiritually disconnected than ever before.

As a result, levels of tension, fear, chronic stress, and anxiety increase, which compromises the immune system and magnifies the risk of serious chronic health conditions, such as:

  • Diabetes
  • Heart Disease
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Depression
  • Cancer

The great news is, you can leverage the wisdom of your own body and mind to discover renewed connectedness, health, and energy.

Join James Swanwick and other 45 world-renowned authors, health experts, and master teachers from August 10 - 16 at The Healing Chronic Stress and Disease Summit - a free online event diving into ancient healing practices, energy-boosting hacks and nutritional tips.

Let’s dive into what you can expect at the online event.

The power of healing chronic stress

The speakers will share their latest insights, research, and training in physical, mental, and spiritual health for you to gain expert wisdom and guidance to address chronic disease, reduce stress, increase happiness and awaken to higher levels of consciousness.

This healing online event will help you:

  • Increase mental clarity, energy, and joy in life
  • Address and prevent chronic stress and other serious health conditions
  • Awaken to higher levels of intuition and insight
  • Discover and cultivate spiritual guidance from within
  • Boost immune system
  • Discover ancient healing practices
  • Access the latest research on nutritional excellence
  • And so much more!

Together we can live a purposeful life and shake off troublesome conditions. Release stagnant energy and ease into relaxation.

Who are your hosts?

Master Mingtong Gu


Born and raised in China, Master Mingtong Gu underwent extensive qigong training under Grandmaster Pang at the largest qigong medicine-less hospital in China. 

Qigong is known as a mind-body-spirit practice that enhances your mental and physical health through posture, breathing techniques, self-massage, movement, sound, and intention. And through this practice, he mastered the rare ability to guide the collective energy field for increased personal and global healing.

Nathan Crane


Nathan, an award-winning author, documentary filmmaker, inspirational speaker, plant-based athlete, and teacher of health and human potential.

He received numerous awards, including the Outstanding Community Service Award from the California Senate for his work in education and empowerment using natural methods for healing cancer.

Strategies for better sleep by James Swanwick

You can catch James Swanwick on Day 4: August 13, 2020. Yes, he is one of many experts who will share groundbreaking insights with you.

Here's what you can expect:

  • Why sleep is critical to your mental and emotional health
  • Difference between quantity and quality of sleep
  • How to balance your circadian rhythm

Check the schedule here for more information about the online event.

Gain INSTANT access to free gifts

When you register today, you'll receive the following free gifts:

  • Qigong Wisdom and Meditation for Overcoming Fear and Anxiety by Master Mingtong Gu
  • Spiritual Healing in Times of Crisis by Grandmother Flordemayo
  • Scientific Power of the Mind to Heal Chronic Disease by Joan Borysenko, PhD
  • 27 Flavors of Fulfillment: How to Live Life to the Fullest eBook from Nathan Crane

And bonus gifts from your hosts and VIPs:

  • 27 Flavors of Fulfillment: How to Live Life to the Fullest eBook
  • 5 Proven Pillars for Preventing and Reversing Cancer Naturally eBook
  • 4 Interview Transcripts from The Healing Chronic Stress and Disease Summit
  • Let’s “Talk” About STRESS eBook
  • 101 Natural Health Remedies Secrets eBook
  • 8 Secrets of the World’s Healthiest, Longest-Living Populations eGuide

Did I mention it’s free to join?

Trust me, this is the one virtual event you don’t want to miss. At the end of the Healing Chronic Stress and Disease Summit rainbow… is an awakened and purpose-driven life with improved health and wellness a collective effort to help each other win at life!

You might also be interested in our collection of high quality blue light filter glasses.


Yes, take me there!



Celesté Polley


Celesté is a writer, creative photographer, bookworm, pianist, minimalist, environmentalist at heart, professional napper, and Earth wanderer from South Africa, operating in the wellness industry. She is obsessed with books, plants, the moon, and the misunderstood wild Baboon Spiders (a.k.a Tarantulas) of the arachnid world. Her curious nature has her on an unstoppable journey to work with like-minded humans, but also to help people overcome their health and mental struggles.

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