Swannies Team Favorites

Swannies Team Favorites: If we look marvelous, it’s no coincidence! (Part 3)

On behalf of our groovy Swannies Team, we’re ecstatic you popped in to read the last set of our Swanwick favorites. This means you care what we have to say about the products we’ve come to love. You’re cool as the other side of the pillow. 👐

If you haven’t a clue what I’m talkin’ about, go check out the favorite products of our top minds and visionaries in the house. They’re a wicked bunch, I’d say.

Here are Swanwick Sleep’s magicians (aka freakin’ miracle workers) in the spotlight with their favorite products.

Because they work their magic when nobody’s looking. For realsies! ✨

The Staple Question: What’s your favorite Swanwick product and why?

Cast an eye over the Swanwick must-haves of our beloved magicians below. 👇


Stephanie (Customer Service)

Swannies Team

“I would have to say the Classic Day Swannies are my favorite. Considering I’m online during the day much more than I am at night they come in handy all the time. Plus I can walk around and run errands and have most if not all people think they’re regular prescription glasses! I like to think of it as having an insider's secret to protecting my eyes without anyone ever realizing it. Plus it helps with the occasional headache I get from being in front of a screen all day!”


Melanie (Executive Assistant)

Swannies Team

Black Classic Swannies, because black goes with everything and classic never goes out of style.”


Mariel (Affiliate & Wholesale Manager)

Swannies Team

“My favorite Swanwick products are the Diamond Night Swannies and Black Classic Day Swannies. The Diamonds are so fashionable, they match anything I wear while blocking blue light. The Day Swannies protect my eyes during the daytime while working in front of the computer.”


Paul (Shopify Developer & Wordpress Specialist)

Swannies Team

“I love the Classic Day Swannies. After working in front of the computer for more than 8 hours a day, I like to kick back, relax, watch a movie or play video games. Staring at screens all day and night takes a toll on my eyes and the Swannies help reduce the strain! I basically wear these at all times of the day!”


Das (SEO Specialist)

Swannies Team

“Being exposed to computer screens all day long for work purposes, Classic Day Swannies grabbed my attention the most for its ability to protect my eyes against harmful blue light. Its sturdy yet comfortable and lightweight frame is just perfect. What I love most about my Swannies is its stylish look. Not only can I wear it in my office while working, but also anywhere and everywhere I want.


Kristine (Executive Virtual Assistant)

Swannies Team

“Classic Day and Night Swannies are the best pairs of glasses I ever had. I rarely put on any sunglasses. But the Classic Day and Night Swannies are both very stylish that I just had to give them a try! After trying them for a couple of days, I’ve found it much easier to fall asleep, my eyes feel less strained, and I don’t experience migraines as often as I used to. For a gal who works around the clock with a seven-year-old, a family and freelancing biz to run, I don’t often get to enjoy extended hours of sleep. With the Classic Day and Night Swannies, I get to wallow in quality sleep regardless! They’re a must-have!”


Devender (Digital Marketing Expert)

Swannies Team

“My personal favorite is Classic Night Swannies, obviously because they are cool and help me sleep faster than I used to. The amount of digital content I consume on a daily basis is huge; whether it’s work or play I always find myself in front of a digital screen. I’ve been working in digital marketing for 7 years, and I spend around 14 hours a day in front of digital screens, which used to keep me awake at night due to my messed up Circadian Rhythm. And to be frank, it’s impossible to avoid screens so my Swannies help to reduce strain and damage to my eyes.

I’ve been wearing my Swannies religiously for the past 8 months. It helps my mind relax faster when I’m in my bed, which eventually helps me sleep faster and better. Thank you Swanwick Sleep!”


Maria (Communications Marketing Manager)

Swannies Team

“The classics! Both Classic Day and Night Swannies are my favorites. The frame fits me well (I think it tones down my cheeky face). While I work about 8 hours on my laptop, the Day Swannies help keep my eyes relaxed and protected. I used to suffer from severe headaches after a long day of work - those days are gone now. When I go to bed early while listening to a podcast and reading an ebook, I put on my Night Swannies and fall asleep in less than 10 minutes. It’s taking me a month to finish a book. LOL.”


Fo-shizzle my nizzle off the hizzle… drizzle! What a lovely packet. 🤩 But let’s face it though, Swannies blue light blocking glasses are just as wonderous, and clearly our Classic Swannies have won over the hearts and eyes of so many. 

It’s safe to say, they’ll win you over as well. Just let it be! 😌

Even though Swannies can help reset your circadian rhythm, you still need to keep your habits in check for continuous quality sleep.

If you already have a dearest, we’d like to know. What are your Swanwick favorites and why? Drop a comment below to let us know. 👇

Also, visit our page that talks about the best blue light blocking glasses.


Head over to our online shop and find your favorites.



Celesté Polley


Celesté is a writer, creative photographer, bookworm, pianist, minimalist, environmentalist at heart, professional napper, and Earth wanderer from South Africa, operating in the wellness industry. She is obsessed with books, plants, the moon, and the misunderstood wild Baboon Spiders (a.k.a Tarantulas) of the arachnid world. Her curious nature has her on an unstoppable journey to work with like-minded humans, but also to help people overcome their health and mental struggles.

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